Abdul-Hamid Zureick

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Structural Engineering & Mechanics Group

Georgia Institute of Technology


Educational History


University of Illinois at Urbana‑Champaign



University of Illinois at Urbana‑Champaign



Tichreen University, Syria


Areas of Specialization:


Technology Transfer

·        Polymer Composite Structural Member Having Segmented Cross-Section, Pending, United States Patent & Trademark Office, File No. 10733-214, Ref No. ROI 1815, March 11, 1997.

·        Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Deck, Georgia Tech Patent Record # 1377, July 1993

The above examples address issues of national importance and provide new solutions to one of the nation’s most pressing problem- way of rapidly, and cost effectively, replace deteriorating existing structures with new structural concepts that are more efficient, less expensive, and more durable than those now designed and constructed in traditional materials.  Dr. Zureick designed the world’s largest pultruded shape (36-in deep). A 8-in prototype was built and tested successfully at Georgia Tech. The section is now in production. Dr. Zureick also developed modular fiber-reinforced polymer concepts for bridge deck replacement. The concept was adopted by the Virginia Department of Transportation and demonstrated in November 1999 by constructing  a polymeric composite bridge deck on Highway 81 in Salem Virginia.

·        The development and the design of the World’s first enclosed polymer skywalk in Akron, Ohio.

A unique concept, developed by Dr. Zureick, which integrated the best available polymer composite components into a structurally efficient and aesthetically pleasing structure.

B. Books and Parts of Books

                Zureick, A. and Nettles, A. (2002). Composite Materials, Testing, Design, and Acceptance Criteria, ASTM STP 1416.


Zureick, A. and Kahn, L.  (2001). “Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures Using Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites, ASM Handbook, Volume 21, Composites, pp. 906-913.


Zureick, A. (1998).  “Stability of Horizontally Curved Steel Bridges,” Chapter 9, Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures, Fifth Edition, Editor: T. V. Galambos, John Wiley & Sons, New York.


Gates T. and Zureick, A., (1997) “High Temperature and Environmental Effects on Polymeric Composites, 2, ASTM STP 1302, 1997.


Selected Publications



National Committee Membership

·        Member, American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE, 1982-present.

Member, ASCE Technical Committee on Cold-Formed Steel Members.

Chairman, ASCE Subcommittee on Design Criteria.

Chairman, ASCE Subcommittee on Education.

Chairman, Subcommittee on Current Research and Future Needs.

ASCE Technical Committee on Flexural Members, 1988 to present

Chairman (1992 to 1995)


·        Member, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 1994- present.


·        Member, Structural Stability Research Council (SSRC), 1987-present

Member of SSRC Task Group (TG-27) on Plate and Box Girders.

Member of SSRC Task Group (TG-14) on Horizontally Curved Girders.

Member of SSRC Task Group (TG-1) on Centrally Loaded Columns.

Member of SSRC Task Group (TG-26) on Stability of Angle Struts.

Member of Nominating Committee, 1994 – 1997.

Vice Chairman, Task Group (TG-11) International, 1995- present.


·        Member, Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee on New Materials, 1992-present.


·        Member, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1993-present

                 Member of D30 on High Modulus Fibers and Their Composites

Chairman and Founder, D30.01, Composite Materials for Civil Engineering Applications, 1996-present


·        Delegate:  FHWA International Technology Scanning Program to Europe and Japan, October 3-19, 1996.


·        Delegate: National Science Foundation (NSF) International Research on Advanced Composites in Construction, June 1996, Bolognia, Italy.


·        Member of the FHWA Adhesive Research Advisory Committee, 1995-1996

Editorial Service to Journal and Research Agencies

Technical reviewer for the following organizations:

·        National Science Foundation

·        Federal Highway Administration

·        National Research Council/National materials Advisory Board

·        National Research Council of Canada

·        The Australian Research Council


Technical reviewers for the following journals:

·        ASCE, Structural Engineering Journal.

·        ASCE, Journal of Engineering Mechanics.

·        ASCE, Journal of Composites for Construction

·        AIAA Journal

·        ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics.

·        Journal of Computational Mechanics

·        International Journal of Solid Structures

·        Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal


Reviewer of the following textbooks:

            Steel Structures, Design and Behavior, by C. Salmon and Johnson

            Steel Design by J. McCormac.

            Design of Steel Structures, by Robert Engelkirk.


Campus contribution

Contribution as Area Leader

The Structural Engineering and Mechanics Group includes 14 faculty members, approximately 50 M.S. and 40 Ph.D. Students, and two staff members. As Group leader, Dr. Zureick has undertaken the following initiatives and responsibilities:


Development of the Group’s Strategic Plan:

This outlines the Group’s vision and goals, areas of future growth, initiatives related to undergraduate and graduate educational and research programs.

Development of a unique research program in the area of polymer composites in civil engineering applications.

This program placed the Group and Georgia Tech in the forefront of higher education at both the national and international levels. A small portion of these efforts have been described in the Engineering News Record, February 15, 1993, Plastics and You of Fall 1991, The Atlanta Constitution September 4, 1990, ASME Magazine of September 1990, The MIT Technology Review Magazine of October 1990. A special TV program describing the research efforts was also viewed on many national cable TV stations (CNN, FNN,..)

NSF Student Fellowship:

One student (David Scott) was nominated and received the NSF graduate Student Fellowship. The selection was done at the national level. Student was advised and mentored by Dr. Zureick.

NSF Traineeship in Composites

One Student (William Sttodard) was nominated and received this award. This is part of a large grant awarded to Georgia Tech (PI: Dr. A. Saxena). The selection was done internally.

1991 ASCE O. H. Ammann Research Fellowship

One student (David Scott) was nominated and received this national award given to one individual only every year. Student was advised and mentored by Dr. Zureick.

The Dwight D. Eisenhower National Fellowship:

One B.S. student (Robert Steffen) was nominated and received this prestigious award to pursue the Ph.D. degree. The student has been advised and mentored by Dr. Zureick.

Faculty Support:

Securing matching funds for one junior faculty member holding the Presidential Young Investigator Award.

Securing salary research supports for faculty members within the group.

Routine activities:

These include identifying and pursuing the hiring of new faculty members within the Group, presentation on behalf of the Structural Engineering and Mechanics Group faculty to the CEE Advisory Board and many external agencies, class assignments for faculty, teaching and research assistantships for graduate students, and serving on the CEE Executive Council that advises the School Chair on school maters.


Contribution to the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

·        Member of the Search Committee for CE Director (1990-1991)

·        Member of the CEE Tenure and Promotion Committee, Assistant to Associate Professors (1995).

·        Member of the CEE-iii Committee (1989-1992)

·        Member of the Search Committee for several CEE faculty positions (1990-present).


Contributed to the Georgia Tech Economic Development Institute (EDI) and in the form of conducting laboratory tests on the use of recycled rubbers in building and industrial panels. This effort resulted in the establishment of a new company (Maploca) in the State of Georgia, October 95. Cited by EDI as the most significant accomplishment for the EDI during the 1995-1996.

Examined the structural integrity and recommended solutions to the deteriorated south face of the Van Leer building (School of Electrical Engineering). This was done to assist the Georgia Tech Facility Office in taking the appropriate measures, June 97.

Advisement related to the construction-related collapse of the 1996 Olympics Aquatic Center roof trusses on the Georgia Tech campus.


Selected Consulting Activities

·        Failure Investigation of a School Gymnasium in South Rockdale Count Georgia, Home Insurance Co., August 1990.

·        Load-carrying capacity of FRP/concrete roof panels, Philip Douglas Limited, August 1991.

·        Load-carrying capacity of lifting steel beams, Gardner Machinery Movers, December 22, 1993

·        Design of a glass fiber reinforced polymer highway bridge, Polymer Bridge Systems, Inc., April 1994

·        Analysis and design of curved steel bridges, HDR Engineering, Inc., Pittsburg. May-September 1994.

·        Load-carrying capacity of a plastic dividers for the Boston I-90 Tunnel Project, The Contractor’s Engineers, Inc., Neodesha, Kansas, January 1993.

·        Failure Investigation of Olympic Stadium Roof Trusses, Paul Hermann, October 1995.

·        Design of Polymer Composite Pedestrian Bridges, Continental Bridges, 1996

·        Design of a support frame for solar concentrator mirrors in India, Sustainable Energy Systems, Inc., Troy, New York, 2000.