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Acosta, Felipe J. and Zureick, A. (2001). “Determinacion Experimental De Las Propiedades Mechanicas De Losas Para Puentes De Polimeros Reforzados Con Fibras,” determination of the mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced polymeric bridge decks, Revista Internacional De Desastres Naturels, Accidentes E Infrastructura Civil, Volumen 1, Numero 1, Mayo, pp. 3-20.

Zureick, A., Linzell, D., Leon, R., and Burrell, J. (2000). “Curved Steel Bridges: Experimental and Analytical Studies,” Engineering Structures, pp. 180-190.

Zureick, A., and Steffen, R. (2000) “Behavior and Design of Concentrically Loaded Pultruded Angle Struts,” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 126, No. 3, March, pp. 406-416.

Kim, Y. S., Kardomateas, G. A., and Zureick, A. (1999). “Buckling of Thick Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells Under Torsion, Submitted, Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME, Vol. 66, March, pp. 41-50.

Zureick A., and Naqib, R. (1999) “Horizontally Curved Steel I-Girders, State-of-the-Art: Part I-Analysis Methods,” Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1-10.

Zureick, A. and Shih, B. (1998). “ Local Buckling of Fiber-Reinforced Polymeric Structural Members Under Linearly-Varying Edge Loading, Part I-Theoretical Formulation,” Composite Structures, Vol.41, pp. 79-86.

Zureick, A. (1998). “FRP Pultruded Structural Shapes,” Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials, Vol.1, No. 2, pp. 143-149.

Littles, Jerrol, W., Jr., Jacobs, Laurence J., and Zureick, Abdul-Hamid (1998) )"Single-Sided Ultrasonic Technique to Characterize Thick FRP Composites," Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 223-230.

Littles, J.W.; Jacobs, L.J. and Zureick, A. (1998). “Application of Ultrasonic Techniques for the Characterization of Pultruded Composite Structural Members,” Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 126-131.

Scott, D. and Zureick A. (1998). “Creep Behavior of Pultruded Materials,” Journal of Composite Science and Technology, Vol. 58, No. 8, pp. 1361-1369.

Zureick A. and Scott D. (1997). “Short-Term Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Polymeric Slender members Under Axial Compression” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, November 1997, pp. 140-149.

Naqib, R.,.Zureick, A., and Will, K.M. (1996)"Practical Considerations in Two-Dimensional Shape Optimization of Elastic Continuum," Computers and Structures, Vol. 61, No. 2, pp. 351-330.

Zureick, A.; Shih, B. and Munley, E. (1995) "Fiber-Reinforced Polymeric Bridge Decks," Structural Engineering Review, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 257-266, (Invited Contribution)

Scott, David, Lai, J., and Zureick, A. (1995) "Creep Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Polymeric Composites: A Review of the Technical Literature," Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 14, pp. 588-617.

Zureick, A., Kahn, L. F., and Bandy, B. J. (1995) "Tests on Deep Wide-Flange Pultruded Beams," Journal of Reinforced Plastics, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 378-389.

Wang, Y.; Zureick, A. and Cho, B-S. (1994) Properties of Fibre Reinforced Concrete Using Recycled Fibres From Carpet Industrial Waste,” Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 29, pp. 4191-4199.

Wang, Y., Zureick, A. H. (1994) "Characterization of the Longitudinal Tensile Behavior of Pultruded I-Shape Structural Members Using Coupon Specimens," Composite Structures, Vol. 29, pp. 463-472.

Naqib, R., Zureick, A., and Will, K.M. (1994)"New Approximate-Iterative Technique in Shape Optimization of Continuum Structures," Computers and Structures, Vol. 51, No. 6, pp. 737-748.

Zureick, A. (1993)"Design Strength of Concentrically Loaded Single Angle Struts,"AISC Engineering Journal, First Quarter 1993, pp. 17-30.

Zureick, A. H., (1989) "Spheroidal Cavity with Prescribed Asymmetric Displacements in Three-Dimensional Transverse Isotropy," ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, November 1989, pp. 2427-2439.

Zureick, A. H., and Choi, D. H. (1989). "The Rotation of a Rigid Spheroidal Inclusion Embedded in a Transversely Isotropic Medium," International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 27, No. 12, 1989, pp. 1603-1612.

Zureick, A. H. (1989). "The Asymmetric Displacement of a Rigid Spheroidal Inclusion Embedded in a Transversely Isotropic Medium," Acta Mechanica, Vol. 77, April 1989, pp. 101-110.

Zureick, A. H. (1989). "Spheroidal Cavity with Prescribed Asymmetric Displacements in Three-Dimensional Transverse Isotropy," ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, November 1989, pp. 2427-2439.

Zureick, A. H., and Eubanks, R. A. (1988). "Spheroidal Cavity with Prescribed Asymmetric Tractions in Three-Dimensional Transverse Isotropy," ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, January 1988, pp. 24-48.


Conference Proceedings

Haj-Ali, R. M., Zureick, A-H, kilic, M., and Steffen,, R., (1998). Micromechanics-based 3-D Nonlinear Analysis of Pultruded Composite Structures, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Engineering Science, ICES98, Editors, S. N Atluri and P. E. O’Donoghue, October 1998, pp. 1518-1525.

Zureick, A. (1998). “Test methods for long-term behavior of composites for bridge applications,” Proceedings of the 13th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, Tsukuba, Japan, September 29-October3,

Zureick, A. (1998). “Polymer Composites for Infrastructure,” Proceedings of the third international conference on progress in durability analysis of composite systems, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, September 14-17, Editors: K. Reifsnider, D, Dillard, and A. Cardon, A.A. Balkema, Netherland, pp. 181-184.

Zureick A. (1997). “Test Methods and Design Data for Long-Term Behavior of Civil Engineering Polymeric Composite Materials,” Recent Advances in Bridge Engineering, Proceedings of the US-Canada-Europe Workshop on Bridge Engineering, July 11-15, 1997, Dubendorf, Switzerland, pp. 346-353.

Aboutaha, R., Leon, R., and Zureick, A. (1997). “Rehabilitation of a damaged AASHTO Type II Prestressed Girder Using CFRP,” Second Symposium on Practical Solutions for Bridge Strengthening and Rehabilitation, Kansas City, Missouri, March 24-25, pp. 293-301.

Martin, J. and Zureick, A. (1997). “Unique Pultruded Composites for construction/Infrastructure Applications, 10th Technical Conference on Composites in Corrosion and Construction, September 23, 1997, Las Vegas, NV.

Zureick, A., Leon, R. T., Burrell, J. and Linzell, D. (1997). “Curved Steel Bridges: Experimental and Analytical Studies,”

Proceedings, Innovations in Structural Design: Strength, Stability, Reliability, A Symposium Honoring Theodore V. Galambos, Editors: J. Hajjar and R. Leon, June 6-7, pp.179-190.

Vakiener, A., Zureick, A., and Will, K. M. “Prediction of Local Flange Buckling in Pultruded Columns”, ASCE Conference on Composites Structures for Civil Engineering Structures, Las Vegas, 1991, pp. 302-312.

Baker, N., Zureick, A., and Anand, S.”Knowledge-Based Structural Design-An Implementation Using AISC-LRFD,” Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Washington, D.C., May 1991, Editors L. F. Cohn and W. Rasdorf, pp. 620-629.

Zureick, A. “ Research on the Behavior and Design of Pultruded Structural Members, Proceedings of the 1992 NSF Structures, Geomechanics and Building Systems Grantees’s Conference, June 10-12, 1992, San Juan, Puerto Rico, pp.179 - 181.

Zureick, A., Yoon. S., and Scott, D., Experimental Investigation on Concentrically Loaded Pultruded Columns,” Proceedings of the Second International Symposium, Textile Composites in Building Construction, Editors: P. Hamlin and G. Verchery, Lyon, France, June 23-25, 1992, Part 2, pp. 207 - 215.

Scott, D., Yoon, S.J., and Zureick, A., “Full scale Test on Concentrically Loaded Fiber Reinforced Pultruded Columns” Proceedings of the Materials Engineering Congress, ASCE, Editor: Thomas D. White, August 10-12, 1992, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. 572 - 576.

Yoon, S., Scott, D. and Zureick, A. “An Experimental Investigation of the Behavior of Concentrically Loaded Pultruded Columns,” First International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Editors: K. W. Neale and P. Labossière, October 7-9, 1992, Sherbrooke, Quebec, pp.309 - 317.

Wang, Y., Cho, B., and Zureick, A. “Fiber Reinforced Concrete Using Recycled Carpet Industrial Waste and its Potential Use in Highway Construction,” Symposium Proceedings on Recovery and Effective Reuse of Discarded Materials and By-Products for Construction of Highway Facilities, Denver,Colorado, October, 1993, pp. 4.111 - 4.11.

Zureick, A., Kahn, L.F., and Bandy, B. "Tests on Deep I-Shape Pultruded Beams," Proceedings of the Composite Institute’s 49th Annual Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, February 7 - 9, 1994, pp. 8C/1 - 6.

Zureick, A. and Kahn, L.F. "Tests on I-Shape Pultruded Beams," Proceedings of the ASCE, Structures Congress, Vol. 2, pp. 1572-1577, April 24-28, 1994, Atlanta, Georgia.

Littles, J.W.; Jacobs, L.J. and Zureick, A.H., “Nondestructive Characterization of FRP Composites with Applications for Highway Structures,” the 21st Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Snowmass, Colorado, July 31-August 5, 1994, Vol. 14A, pp. 2209-2214, 1995.

Littles, J.W.; Jacobs, L.J. and Zureick, A.H., “Development of Nondestructive Evaluation Techniques for the Characterization of FRP Components,” Proceedings of Structures Congress XIII, Editor: Masoud Sanayei, Vol. 1, pp. 696-699, 1995.

Duwadi, S.R.; Hall, D.H.; Yadlosky, J.M.; Yoo, C.H. and Zureick, A.H., “FHWA-CSBRP I-Girder Component Testing,” Proceedings of the ASCE Structures Congress 1995, Boston, Massachusetts, April 3-5, pp. 1695-1699, 1995.

Littles, J., Jacobs, L. and Zureick, A. “Ultrasonic Characterization of FRP Composites for Bridge Applications,” ASCE 11th Engineering Mechanics Conference, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Vol. 2, pp. 959-962, May 19-22, 1996.

Grubb, M. A., Yadloosky, J. M., Zureick, A. Leon, R. T., Burrell, J. D., Hall, D. H. “FHWA Curved steel Bridge Research project,” Proceedings of the Fourth National Workshop on Bridge Research in Progress, Buffalo, New York, June 17-19, 1996, pp. 183-188.

Jacobs, L.J, Littles, J. and Zureick, A. “Characterization of Structural Composites for Highway Applications,” 23rd Annual Review in Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Brunswick, Maine, July 29-August 3, 1996, Vol. 16B, pp. 1807-1814, 1997

Aboutaha, R., Leon, R., and Zureick, A. “Rehabilitation of a damaged AASHTO Type II Prestressed Girder Using CFRP,” Second Symposium on Practical Solutions for Bridge Strengthening and Rehabilitation, Kansas City, Missouri, March 24-25, 1997, pp. 293-301.

Burrell, J. D., Zureick, A. and Grubb, M. A. “FHWA Curved Steel-Girder Project: Analysis of Curved steel I-Girder Test Frame,” Proceedings of the ASCE Structures Congress 1997, Portland.